DCLXVI – The Numeral of the Beast - Part 8
A blog.
Part 8
This blog has truly taken a different turn from where I had envisaged it would go and has made me realise that even if the book never got published at all that it would still have been well worth the twelve years or more it has taken me to write it. Moving on from all the sentiment a little, let me try to grab your attention back to the task in hand. Below is the next page after the dedication, a page traditionally called the “Epigraph”.
Before writing anything, I did a lot of research and decided I liked the concept of such a page and wanted to embrace tradition, so I found this quote which I think epitomises the feel of the book and fits well with the main character that I have created. I hope you like it and I look forward to revealing a little more of the meat and bones of the story very soon.
I love those who can smile in trouble,
who can gather strength from distress,
and grow brave by reflection.
‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink,
but they whose heart is firm,
and whose conscience approves their conduct,
will pursue their principles unto death.
Leonardo da Vinci

At this point I want to start to really interest you more and get people discussing this work. So quickly skipping the contents page we come to “The Foreword” Traditionally this is written to re-assure whoever has got past the cover and blurb and should further intrigue and convince them as a potential reader that they have made the right choice and that this is the book for them.
Normally penned by either another author, someone of higher influence or fame that knows the author and obviously more importantly has read the work. Well I am a lucky bunny because I just happen to be able to fulfil all these criteria and will use the foreword as part 9 of this blog